# |
Day |
Topic/Slides |
Reading |
1 | W 1/12 | Introduction - AI Background and Brief History, Agents | Ch 1 | Setup Python
Nothing to submit; complete by Monday 1/17
Project 1: Search
Due Fri 2/11 (5pm) |
| M 1/17 | MLK Holiday |
2 | W 1/19 | Agents and Search | Ch 2 |
3 | M 1/24 | Search | Ch 3.1-3.3 |
4 | W 1/26 | Search: Uninformed | Ch 3.4 |
5 | M 1/31 | Search: Informed | Ch 3.5-3.6 |
6 | W 2/2 | Search: Heuristics and Consistency | Ch 3.5-3.6 |
| M 2/7 | canceled |
| W 2/9 | canceled | | Project 2: MultiAgent Search
Due Mon 3/2 (6pm) |
7 | M 2/14 | Games: Game Trees, Minimax | Ch 5.1-5.2 |
8 | W 2/16 | Games: Alpha-Beta Pruning, Stochastic Games, and Partial Observability | Ch 5.3-5.7 |
9 | M 2/21 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems | Ch 4.1, Ch 6.1-6.2 |
10 | W 2/23 | CSPs II: Solution Methods | Ch 6.3-6.5 |
11 | M 2/28 | Properties of Logic, Logical Agents | Ch 7.1-7.4 | Project 3: Logical Agents
Due Fri 3/25 (6pm) |
12 | W 3/2 | Propositional Logic | Ch 7.4-7.5 |
| M 3/7 | Spring Break |
| W 3/9 | Spring Break |
13 | M 3/14 | Propositional Logic Inference | Ch 7.5-7.7 |
14 | W 3/16 | Prop. Logic to First-Order Logic | Ch 4.4, Ch 8.1-8.2 |
15 | M 3/21 | First-Order Logic I: Representation | Ch 8.3-8.4 |
16 | W 3/23 | First-Order Logic II: Inference I | Ch 9.1-9.5 |
| M 3/28 | Midterm Exam | | Project 4: Reinforcement Learning
Due Wed 4/20 |
17 | W 3/30 | Quantifying Uncertainty | Ch 12.1-12.4 |
18 | M 4/4 | Uncertainty and Utility | Ch 12.5-13.7 Ch 16.1-16.4 |
19 | W 4/6 | Utilities and Markov Decision Processes | Sutton and Barto Ch.3 |
20 | M 4/11 | MDPs II | Sutton and Barto Ch.4 |
21 | W 4/13 | Reinforcement Learning | Ch 17.1-17.3 Sutton and Barto Ch.6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, R&N Ch 22.1-22.3 | Project 5: Ghost Busters!
Due Friday 5/6 |
22 | M 4/18 | Bayes Nets I: Probability and Representation | Ch 13.1-13.2 |
23 | W 4/20 | Bayes Nets II: Independence and Inference | Ch 13.3-13.4 |
24 | M 4/25 | HMMs I: Reasoning Over Time | Ch 14.1-14.3 |
25 | W 4/27 | Guest Lecture by Wes Kerr of RiotGames |
26 | M 5/2 | HMMs II: Particle Filtering | Ch 14.3 |
27 | W 5/4 | Conclusion |
| F 5/6 | Final Project Due |